
Better Together: Building Volunteer Engagement in Fayette County

Better Together: Building Volunteer Engagement in Fayette County

In Fayette County, community engagement is more than just an idea—it’s a way of life. At the Fayette Community Foundation, we believe that one of the most powerful ways to enhance the quality of life for everyone is through volunteering. It brings people together, helps solve local problems, and fosters a sense of belonging and pride. That’s why we’re excited about one of our favorite upcoming community events: the third annual Fayette County Day of Sharing on October 2, 2024.

This special day, created and managed by the members of the Fayette County Day of Sharing steering committee, is all about connecting residents with local nonprofits and community organizations in need of extra hands. Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or someone who’s just thinking about getting involved, this event is an opportunity to make a real difference in the community while meeting neighbors and learning about the amazing work being done across Fayette County.

The Day of Sharing is more than just a one-time event; it’s a reflection of our community’s commitment to creating a culture of giving back. Volunteering doesn’t only benefit the organizations that receive help—it also benefits the volunteers themselves. When you step up to offer your time and skills, you’re not just solving immediate problems, you’re building stronger connections with the people around you. You get to see firsthand how your efforts make a difference, and there’s a certain joy that comes from knowing you’ve helped make Fayette County a better place.

At the Fayette Community Foundation, we see volunteering as one of the best ways to foster community engagement. Every year, through our partnerships with nonprofits, we identify organizations that rely on volunteers to meet their missions. From food pantries to mentorship programs, many of these groups couldn’t exist without the dedicated support of people who choose to give their time and energy. 

Getting Started

For many people, the idea of volunteering can feel overwhelming. Where do you start? What if you don’t have a lot of time? The truth is, every bit of help makes a difference in Fayette County. The Community Day of Sharing is the perfect introduction to volunteering in our community. You don’t need to have any special skills or prior experience—just a willingness to lend a hand. Whether you’re an individual, a family, or part of a group or company, there’s something for everyone. It’s also a great way to introduce young people to the value of community service, showing them that they, too, can make a difference.

Register for Fayette County’s 2024 Community Day of Sharing at this link: https://bit.ly/3TppTuP

Your Impact on Fayette County

Communities like ours thrive when people care for one another. Volunteering is one of the most direct ways to show that care, and the ripple effect of your efforts can be profound. When you give your time, you inspire others to do the same. That’s how communities become stronger, more resilient, and more connected. Last year, Fayette County had over 100 volunteers take part in our Day of Sharing – and some even joined us the day of because they saw a team out working and wanted to contribute. Every little bit helps make Fayette County a wonderful place to live.

So as October approaches, we encourage everyone to think about how they can be part of the Community Day of Sharing. It’s a perfect chance to see firsthand the impact that volunteering has on Fayette County and to be part of something bigger than ourselves. By coming together, we can ensure that Fayette County continues to be a place where kindness, generosity, and engagement are at the heart of everything we do. 

-Abigail Roszell, Executive Director, Fayette Community Foundation