How to Give

Get inspired – there are so many reasons to give. Let's work together to address our community's needs. We'll make your charitable giving more impactful.

Be a strategic and informed philanthropist
Are you looking for an objective and knowledgeable partner who adds value to your philanthropy and makes your giving easy, informed, meaningful, and enjoyable? Take advantage of our community expertise to help bring powerful change in the community. Gifts to unrestricted endowments help you invest with other community partners to promote community projects through grants. If you are looking for a more hands-on philanthropy, our professional staff can provide you with the tools and expertise to create your named endowment.

Plan for taxes and estate
Maximize your tax advantages and effectiveness of your giving with the Fayette County Foundation. Make an impact in the community now with gifts of current resources and continue giving forever to the community with a planned gift.

Involve my family in philanthropy
Whether you need help clarifying how or where to make an impact or information on specific organizations, we will help you achieve the charitable goals most meaningful to you.
