
Better Together: Cultivating the Future Leaders of Fayette County

Leadership Development: Cultivating the Future Leaders of Fayette County

As we watch another group of talented high school graduates from Fayette County embark on their college journeys, we are filled with pride and anticipation for what lies ahead for them. These young people are our future leaders, and as they head off to further their education, they are gaining the skills, knowledge, and experiences that will shape them into the innovators, entrepreneurs, and community leaders of tomorrow.

As we celebrate their achievements and support their aspirations, we must also ask ourselves: How can we ensure that these future leaders return to Fayette County? How can we make our community a place where they want to put down roots, build their careers, and make a lasting impact? At the Fayette Community Foundation, we believe that the answer lies in a commitment to leadership development—a commitment that starts now, as we actively work to make our community a place where leadership is nurtured, valued, and welcomed home with open arms.

Investing in Leadership through Education

One of the key ways we can foster leadership development is by investing in educational opportunities that empower our young people to become strong, effective leaders. The Bill and Nancy Wilson Community Enhancement Endowment, established at the Fayette Community Foundation, is a prime example of this commitment. This endowment supports educational initiatives that help develop leadership skills among our youth, providing them with the tools they need to succeed in college and beyond.

By funding scholarships, leadership programs, and other educational opportunities, this endowment—and others like it—helps to ensure that our graduates are not only prepared for the challenges of higher education but are also equipped to return to Fayette County as leaders ready to make a difference.

Families and organizations that share this long-term vision can also contribute by establishing their own endowments to support leadership development. By investing in the future of our young people, we are investing in the future of Fayette County itself.

Building a Community that Welcomes Leaders Home

Leadership development does not end when our students leave for college. It continues as we build a community that welcomes them back with open arms—a place where they can envision a future for themselves and their families. To do this, we must create opportunities for these young leaders to thrive right here in Fayette County.

This means fostering a local economy that offers rewarding career opportunities, supporting initiatives that improve the quality of life in our community, and cultivating a culture that values innovation, collaboration, and leadership. It also means providing avenues for these young leaders to engage with the community and take on leadership roles, whether in local government, business, or nonprofit organizations.

The Fayette Community Foundation is committed to this vision. Through our regular nonprofit meet-ups, we bring together the leadership of our local nonprofit organizations to collaborate, share knowledge, and build the strong, interconnected networks that are essential for community leadership. These gatherings are more than just meetings; they are opportunities to cultivate the leadership skills and relationships that will drive our community forward.

A Call to Action: Investing in Our Future

As we look to the future, it is clear that leadership development must be a top priority for Fayette County. We have the power to shape our community into a place where our young people want to return, put down roots, and build their careers. But to do this, we must invest in their future today.

I invite everyone in our community—whether you are a parent, a business leader, or a member of one of our many local organizations—to consider how you can contribute to this vision. Perhaps it is by establishing an endowment to support leadership development, mentoring a young person, or simply advocating for the importance of community leadership.

By working together, we can create a Fayette County that is not only proud of its past but also excited about its future—a community where leadership is cultivated, celebrated, and passed down from generation to generation.


Our recent high school graduates are on the brink of exciting new adventures, and we wish them every success as they pursue their dreams. But let us also remember that their journey is far from over. As they learn and grow, we must continue to nurture the seeds of leadership that have been planted within them. And when they are ready to return, we will be here—ready to welcome them back, ready to support their growth, and ready to work alongside them to build a brighter future for Fayette County.

Together, let’s make Fayette County a place where leaders are made, nurtured, and celebrated. A place they will always call home.

-Abigail Roszell, Executive Director, Fayette Community Foundation