Fayette County Nonprofits Need Your Help
Nonprofits are the heart of our community. They care for our most vulnerable. They preserve the places and traditions we love. They make life better for all.
Now they need your help.
We suspected that our local nonprofits have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, so we asked them to find out. Twenty-six Fayette County organizations completed our recent survey. Their answers are not surprising but shocking all the same.
Here are their needs and the ways you can help.
Purdue Extension: rjmarvel@purdue.edu
In need of sanitation stations, gloves, and signage
Lifestream Services, Inc: bevans@lifestreaminc.org
In need of more funding to enable assistance with clients in receiving nutrition through shelf stable meals and frozen meals
Whitewater Valley Arts Association: smcqueen831@gmail.com
In need of funding for the time period they were unable to fundraise
AMVETS Post #11: FinanceOfficer.Post11@gmail.com
In need of funding to get the post involved with the food pantry program
Whitewater Adult Education: aengle@fayette.k12.in.us
In need of funding to offer services, HSE and certification for more students in need
Fayette County Community Voices: lrobinsn@gmail.com
In need of funding to help pay for hotel rooms for the homeless
First Presbyterian Church: cbeard765@gmail.com
In need of funding to support the food program from Crosspointe Biker Church
Girls Scouts of Central Indiana: rjohnson@girlscoutsindiana.org
In need of funding to make more scholarships and program activity grants available to girls and their families
Central Christian Church: office@connersvilledisciples.org
In need of funding to help pay rent, mortgage, and utility assistance
Fayette Garden County Master Gardeners: masondwarfs@yahoo.com
In need of funding to support a scholarship or scholarships for graduating seniors
Bentonville Fire Department: fireman1637@mail.com
In need of funding to provide safer environments for their EMTs and firefighters through PPE gear
Everton Volunteer Fire Department: fire2124@yahoo.com
In need of food donations, gloves, and mask donations in the community
Connersville Band Boosters: lthompson@fayette.k12.in.us
In need of funding for their three lost fundraisers
Fayette Superior Court: pfreed@co.fayette.in.us
In need of funding to help with adding staff
Connersville Jaycees: brian.durham73@gmail.com
In need of funding to help the Jaycee’s Building Serve as a Point of Distribution for necessary supplies if needed
Discover Connersville: smcqueen831@gmail.com
In need of volunteers to help with The Oasis
Meridian Health Services: jessica.burton@meridianhs.org
In need of additional funding to assist the vulnerable population to understand and seek treatment for any COVID-19 related symptoms
Hope Center: jen@hopecenterlife.com
In need of funding to purchase and train in texting curriculum to their clients
Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary: carl.wilms@indianaaudubon.org
Fayette County Cancer Society: cjudy342@gmail.com
Springersville Cemetery Association: Eric@HopkinsIns.com
Friends of the Fayette County Public Library: wdlowryi@gmail.com
Fayette County Free Fair: mcqcl@frontier.com
Whitewater Valley Railroad: jo5ju5@aol.com
Everton Lions Club: scs47331@frontier.com
- Imagine Performing Arts: cindyperez@ah-realty.com