Mini Grant Application
Mini grant applications of up to $2,500 can be submitted at any time of the year (if applications are currently being accepted) and are typically processed within two weeks. Please contact Nyah Frank at (765) 827-9966 or with any questions.
Strong grant applications are those which are grounded in an organization’s mission, align with the Fayette Community Foundation’s funding areas, and are intended to make a positive, lasting impact on the Fayette County community.
The Foundation does not fund the same project or program on an annual basis, and we encourage potential applicants to consider how their projects and proposals will be sustained by other methods once the grant funds are depleted.
Read the following steps to learn about the Fayette Community Foundation’s mini grant process.
Step 1: Review your organization and request eligibility
Click here to read about the Fayette Community Foundation’s grantmaking guidelines. If you are uncertain about your eligibility or would like to talk with us, please reach out to our Program Officer at or (765) 827-9966!
Organizations ineligible to apply on their own, such as service clubs, neighborhood associations, etc., may partner with one or more eligible organizations to propose collaborative programs. For such programs, the eligible organization will act as fiscal agent and project leader for any funds awarded to the work of the collaborative project.
Step 2: Read the Application Software User Guide
The Foundation has a brand new application system! Click here for the GOapply User Guide. This guide will take you through the process of creating an account, starting an application, and submitting an application. Please reach out to Nyah Frank at if you have any questions or concerns.