How many letters of inquiry and grant proposals do you review each year?

This really fluctuates depending on the community’s need. During a recent grant cycle, we received 13 letters of intent, which generated 10 grant applications. Six of those applications were funded. Make sure to review all our grants awarded to see what the Foundation has funded each year.

What is a nonprofit? What is a 501(c)(3)?

A 501(c)(3) is considered a charity, and the IRS allows donors to take a tax deduction for contributions of goods, cash and other assets.

A nonprofit corporation is a state entity that does not automatically come with a federal tax exemption. The first step in becoming a nonprofit organization begins with a state registration as a nonprofit corporation. The entity can make a profit, but all of its profits must be put back into the corporation; no members may take profits from the organization. Individuals can be paid a salary, wages or contract fees, but they may not take profits the entity earns.

We would like to meet with someone at the Foundation to discuss a proposal. How do we arrange a meeting?

Contact us at info@givetofcf.com.

Our organization’s program doesn’t seem to fall within the descriptions in the Foundation’s grant guidelines. Does that mean we should not apply?

Probably. If your program relates to an area that is not listed in the grant guidelines at all, the Foundation is unlikely to be a good funding match for your organization. If your program relates to one of the listed areas, such as education, but you are unsure whether it would be of interest to the Foundation, contact our Program Officer to discuss it in more detail.

The Foundation’s deadline is approaching but we will not have all the required attachments ready to submit. Can we submit our proposal and supplement it later?

Generally not. Because we have such a small staff and a limited time period to review proposals, the Foundation must have each proposal in hand and complete on the day of the deadline. You are encouraged to work with our Program Officer as much as you’d like to ensure a complete submission.

Will the Foundation accept proposals that are submitted after the deadline?

No. We do not accept proposals after the deadline time. All applications must be submitted by noon on the day of the deadline.

If the Foundation conducts a site visit, does that mean we will get funded?

No. Generally, a site visit is a positive sign, but it does not indicate a funding decision either way. While we do not usually award grants to agencies we have not visited, we also decline grants to agencies that we have visited.

What happens if we receive a grant but cannot use the grant funds as originally proposed?

You will need to contact our Program Director immediately. Never use grant funds for a purpose other than that dictated by your grant contract without first contacting the Foundation. Your organization may not spend the grant funds for any other purpose without our written consent in advance.

Will my agency have any continuing obligation to the Foundation?

Your agency will enter into a legally binding contract with the Foundation. The grant contract requires your agency, among other items, to report to FCF on the expenditure of grant funds within thirty days after the project is completed. Our Program Director will meet with you to go through the contract after funding is approved.

If my agency has previously applied for a grant from the Foundation, when can we apply again?

If your agency received a grant, you may apply again for the same project 2 years after your previous grant was awarded.  Your agency can apply for other project funding at any time, but the number of applications you submit will be taken into consideration by the Committee.

If you were unsuccessful in seeking a grant, you may apply again at any time. But we do suggest that you talk to the Foundation staff before doing so. We may be able to tell you why your earlier efforts were unsuccessful, or whether we believe a resubmission will be worthwhile.