Site Visits
The Foundation does not generally fund grants to agencies without first conducting a site visit. A typical site visit lasts no more than an hour. So how can you make the most of your agency’s site visit?
Find the best time
We want to get a real picture of what is going on at your agency, so help us find a time when we can see your programs in operation. For example, if you run an after-school program, a visit in the late afternoon when the kids are around might be best.
Read the proposal
Make sure that everyone representing your agency at the site visit has read the proposal and is familiar with your request. Our Program Director will ask questions raised by the narrative of your proposal and supporting materials.
Think about your guest list
The Foundation will usually send three people to your site visit including our: Program Director, Board President, and Grant Committee member. Think about who should be present from your agency. Make sure they understand the importance of the visit and are prepared for it. Make sure to include your representatives who are in the best position to answer questions.
Follow up
At the end of the visit, confirm any actions or items you need to address. Write down any follow-up items and deal with them promptly—within a day or two, not a week or two.